Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wrapping up Queenstown

Since bungy jumping I've mostly been hanging out in Queenstown with some people that I met last week at Base; other than that I've just been chilling and catching up on some sleep and much needed earlier nights.  Today I've finalized the rest of my time here in New Zealand, so I'm pretty excited about that, even though it means I'll be leaving in just a few days.  The people I've become friends with have slowly trickled out of Queenstown; Jay left yesterday morning so now it's only me and John here.  We went on a walk around the city today to this park that's on the other side of the water, which turned out to be this really lovely forested area near the lake that wrapped around to the other side of Queenstown.  After that we walked back to the downtown area and went to the post office so I could mail off some stuff I've been meaning to mail for quite some time, then we headed over to this little gelato shop and had a small ice cream (super yummy, I had tiramisu and hokey pokey, John had black forest and peanut brownie), then hung around the waterfront some more before heading back to X Base.  Now we're just hanging out in my room writing in our respectful journals (blog for me, paper for John), then I think later we'll be heading out for some drinks after dinner (who knows what that's gonna be, probably just pasta).  But yeah, my plans for the rest of my time here are basically: leave Queenstown and go up to Franz Josef on Saturday, then do the Franz Josef all day glacial hike on Sunday, then head up to Greymouth on Monday and spend the night there.  The next day, Tuesday, I'll be taking the train from Greymouth to Christchurch, then catching a plane from Christchurch to Auckland that same night.  Then I'll probably spend my last day-- Wednesday-- doing some final shopping around Auckland, have lunch with Craig and then dinner at the AMAZING Indian food restaurant near the YHA, then catch a plane back to California on Thursday.  So all in all, it's pretty depressing that I'm leaving New Zealand; I've met some amazing people, seen some amazing landscapes, done some amazing things, and all around have just had an absolutely amazing time.  I regret to cut my time here short, but honestly, I'm running out of money and need to get back to California and figure everything out in my life before school starts this coming September.  But yeah, those are my plans.  Hope you're having a good week, I love and miss you all!!  I can't wait to see you-- less than a week away now!!

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