Thursday, August 6, 2009

skydiving pictures!!

silly bangs, silly cheeks.
my master and me ( :
slide landing, haha.
entering the clouds where we pulled the parachute.
almost done with the freefall.
above the lake, above the trees, above the mountains, above the clouds.
I want to do this every day.
so beautiful, like indescribable beauty.
chubby chubby chubby chubby cheeks cheeks cheeks cheeks.
I'm so jealous that the master had a scarf thing.
I'm a biiiiiiiiird! haha.
so so so so so so much fun.
trying to smile, failing epically.
nosedive towards the ground, flipping around, looking where the land meets the sky.
first few seconds of freefall (the best seconds).
yelling while leaving the plane!
dangling out of the plane, just about ready to exit.
getting ready while climbing up to altitude ( :

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