Friday, July 17, 2009


The past few days have been crazy.  For starters, my parents left yesterday morningish, and now I'm here all alone!  Definitely yikes for me.  But Tauranga and "the Mount" (I forget what it's name actually is, it's something like Mangauriro or some other crazy Maori name) were nice.  I especially liked "the Mount's" town, and my mom finally found a greenstone for me!  Pretty exciting, it's super pretty and I really like it ( :  Oh, and if you ever go to the Mount, definitely check out the park that's across the street from the beach, it's totally insanely awesome, and by far my favorite park in New Zealand so far.  Also, since you'll already be at the Mount, go into Tauranga and eat at Zeytín, this Turkish place on "the Strand."  Oh my gosh talk about delicious food!  Like seriously, soooooo good.  And get their límonata, it's amazing.  Anyway, my bus ride was, besides long, not that bad, and there was a cute little girl in front of me that liked to watch me make goofy faces at her.  Once I got to the railway station in Wellington, I took a bus to Courtenay Place without any problems, which was definitely relieving.  So now I'm sitting here in the YHA hanging out, gonna watch the All Blacks play tonight at 715p (I'll tell you all about it, Dad!).  Tomorrow I'll be off looking for a job, wish me luck!

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