Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So it's been almost a half a year since NZ....

And I'll hafta say, life's been interesting. For starters, there have been some obvious changes since I've been back. Ean and I have changed, I'm a senior in college now, I'll be participating in DC, and one of my brothers is moving up to Alaska. Talk about some crazy occurrences. But, through all of this, it has been incredibly important for me to constantly keep focused on the positives. Currently I'm looking for an internship for my UCDC thing, I'm working for Greenpeace, and I'm trying to stay on top of my schoolwork (I'm taking my senior seminar this quarter!). New Zealand was a great way to take a step away from my life as a whole and view it from a different angle. I'm really glad I did it.

But now it's on to bigger and better adventures. Especially with my schooling wrapping up for the next couple of years (before I go to grad school), now more than ever will my life present me with new opportunities. However, this does not mean that I am just going to leave family and friends behind.... and those in between. I love them all and I'm so glad they are part of my life. As always, time is trudging on, which means things I wanted to arrive faster a year ago are closer than ever, and it's really crazy to think that finally they will come to pass. Not for a while, but in time. The important thing is that I'm not frozen in a space-time continuum, like oftentimes I feel like.

Things I'm excited for:
-my brother's move
-visiting him once he's moved
-Sasquatch! lineup
-Devotchka, Bon Iver, Animal Collective, Passion Pit cds
-seeing Ean... eventually
-life beyond school

I'll keep you posted on all of these. Hope everything is going well.

Much love.

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